A good friend I consider to be a brother who goes by the handle Tank-19 gave me a brilliant idea to use the Large Hadron Collider in radionics, basically I had to psionically tether myself and my radionics device to the LHC. This is when I got the brilliant idea to try and combat Covid-19 using the LHC to basically destroy the virus as much as possible using the quantum power of the LHC. Now say what you will, you can even laugh this off, but more and more I am beginning to truly understand and harness the power of intent. I ran my radionic operation to try and do away with Covid as much as possible starting on Feb, 17. In that post I made the prediction that by March, April and May we'd starting seeing states go into endemic mode. On Feb, 22 CNBC reported that infections plummeted %90 from U.S. Pandemic. And now during President Biden's State of the Union Address he talked about how most of the country will soon be able to go mask free. Again say what you will, but what if? What if my concentration, my will, my thoughts, my work in radionics and the astral really did help to move us along? I mean it does seem rather synchronistic. Coincidence maybe.
"We've reached a new moment in the fight against COVID-19, where severe cases are down to a level not seen since July of last year," Biden said. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued new mask guidelines that allow "most of the country" to go mask free, the president continued, and based on projections, more of the country "based on projections, more of the country will reach this point in the next couple of weeks."
COVID-19 no longer needs to "control our lives," Biden said. "I know some are talking about living with COVID-19, but tonight I say that we never will just accept living with COVID-19." The United States will "continue to combat the virus as we do other diseases," he added. "Because this virus mutates and spreads we have to stand guard." He called on Americans to keep getting vaccinated, and said that, along with free testing, will help keep schools and businesses open.
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