A good friend I consider to be a brother who goes by the handle Tank-19 gave me a brilliant idea to use the Large Hadron Collider in radionics, basically I had to psionically tether myself and my radionics device to the LHC. This is when I got the brilliant idea to try and combat Covid-19 using the LHC to basically destroy the virus as much as possible using the quantum power of the LHC. Now say what you will, you can even laugh this off, but more and more I am beginning to truly understand and harness the power of intent. I ran my radionic operation to try and do away with Covid as much as possible starting on Feb, 17. In that post I made the prediction that by March, April and May we'd starting seeing states go into endemic mode. On Feb, 22 CNBC reported that infections plummeted %90 from U.S. Pandemic. And now during President Biden's State of the Union Address he talked about how most of the country will soon be able to go mask free. Again say what you will, but what if? W...